Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] icky low level linux stuff
From: jordan muscott (
Date: Sat Jul 27 2002 - 13:22:07 EEST
>Yeah, linux isn't necesarily for everyone. And as such nor is linux-audio. What I was trying to say, was that to get the extra 'freedom' available via linux for audio, you stil have to be prepared or able to breach the 'icky low level linux stuff' barrier (where as that barrier doesn't exist anymore in other desktop areas). If this presents a problem for you, as it will for many people, then a linux-audio solution probably isn't for you yet.
damn - i think i need to clarify this a bit more. -> To get the extra 'freedom' available via linux for audio, you still have to be prepared or able to breach the 'icky low level linux stuff' barrier.This could be a problem, and as you say, actually stop you getting any work done, thus making the whole idea laughable. However - some of the icky low level stuff *is* due to extra options being available to you, like the *option* of recompiling the kernel with low latency. You *do not* have to recompile the kernel with low latency to use linux is just an extra option that is available to you, to the GPL.
(im also not suggesting that your personal problems were to do with choosing to recompile your kernel for low latency, i was making a more general point)
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