Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] icky low level linux stuff
From: Lloyd R. Prentice (
Date: Sat Jul 27 2002 - 17:16:51 EEST
Paul Winkler wrote:
> I would be against this. I don't think there's nearly enough volume
> on this list to split it up into "advanced" and "beginner" groups,
> for one thing; and the list wouldn't be much good without
> some experienced users willing to subscribe to a list in which
> they'll mostly have one-way teaching experiences.
As a wet-behind-the-ears newbie, I agree with this. I came into this list
with (for all practical purposes) no Linux experience and little digital
audio experience (used to know a bit about analog audio, but haven't done
much with it in years).
I've been profoundly impressed and grateful for the patience and generousity
with which exprienced list members have responded to naive questions. My
sense is that nearly every thread has generated information and ideas of
value across the spectrum of experience.
The one thing in somewhat short supply, I feel, is context. Many responses to
questions simply supply a few (or a page full of) command lines with no
high-level discussion of what we're doing or why. It's sort of like an
experienced fisherman baiting the hook for you rather than showing you how to
bait it yourself. You're still in sad shape when the fishing master goes
The big issue here is how can this huge mass of detailed nitty gritty
information/experience base be organized and presented in a contextual scheme
that a newcomer can absorb in the shortest possible time?
Since the Linux enterprise is largely a volunteer effort, this may be a very
difficult thing to achieve.
But, again, my deep gratitude to the many smart and thoughtful contributors
to this list.
Lloyd R. Prentice
> More importantly, I think there's a long-term
> benefit to exposure to things that seem to be over your
> head. I've always found that I learn a lot from reading the
> discussions of people way ahead of me. At the beginning it's
> confusing at hell, but one day I suddenly realize that I'm
> following the discussion. (The same thing applies to playing
> music, by the way.)
> > This list was setup to give a forum to discussion for Linux audio users
> > without cluttering the up the discusson on the devel list. I don't ever
> > recall us making a decision to lower the level to LCD.
> And we don't have to. We can try to tailor our responses
> to the individual, though it may take a few messages
> to find that level. And the FAQ you proposed is a very good idea.
> And we must remember that some things that *should* be easy
> are not. It would be great if you could buy a USB audio device,
> fire up XMMS, and listen to your CDs without fiddling with
> the kernel. Currently, that's not possible on most
> (all?) linux distributions. Last time I tried RedHat
> (7.0), you couldn't even burn a CD on a default kernel,
> and CD burners were not exactly bleeding-edge technology
> even then.
> Finally, about my earlier wisecracks... I'm not sure I would
> think it was funny if someone else told me I wasn't cut
> out for hacking. In case there is any lingering doubt,
> I did not mean that comment with any seriousness. It was a
> cheap joke at JZ's expense, and if it caused any offense,
> I sincerely apologize.
> --
> Paul Winkler
> home:
> "Muppet Labs, where the future is made - today!"
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