Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] icky low level linux stuff
From: Paul Winkler (
Date: Sat Jul 27 2002 - 09:32:20 EEST
On Sat, Jul 27, 2002 at 12:08:14PM +0900, Patrick Shirkey wrote:
> Perhaps there should be another list for advice to less advanced users
> where we make the effort to get onto their level. This could help new
> users to feel more comfortable asking simple questions.
I would be against this. I don't think there's nearly enough volume
on this list to split it up into "advanced" and "beginner" groups,
for one thing; and the list wouldn't be much good without
some experienced users willing to subscribe to a list in which
they'll mostly have one-way teaching experiences.
More importantly, I think there's a long-term
benefit to exposure to things that seem to be over your
head. I've always found that I learn a lot from reading the
discussions of people way ahead of me. At the beginning it's
confusing at hell, but one day I suddenly realize that I'm
following the discussion. (The same thing applies to playing
music, by the way.)
> This list was setup to give a forum to discussion for Linux audio users
> without cluttering the up the discusson on the devel list. I don't ever
> recall us making a decision to lower the level to LCD.
And we don't have to. We can try to tailor our responses
to the individual, though it may take a few messages
to find that level. And the FAQ you proposed is a very good idea.
And we must remember that some things that *should* be easy
are not. It would be great if you could buy a USB audio device,
fire up XMMS, and listen to your CDs without fiddling with
the kernel. Currently, that's not possible on most
(all?) linux distributions. Last time I tried RedHat
(7.0), you couldn't even burn a CD on a default kernel,
and CD burners were not exactly bleeding-edge technology
even then.
Finally, about my earlier wisecracks... I'm not sure I would
think it was funny if someone else told me I wasn't cut
out for hacking. In case there is any lingering doubt,
I did not mean that comment with any seriousness. It was a
cheap joke at JZ's expense, and if it caused any offense,
I sincerely apologize.
-- Paul Winkler home: "Muppet Labs, where the future is made - today!"
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