Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] icky low level linux stuff
From: NJCross (
Date: Sat Jul 27 2002 - 20:39:38 EEST
Yes it should be,but even if 'newbie' is written elsewhere there are still
some Linux music lists (thank g*d _not_ this one) which are just plain rude.
Although,recently I noticed a known 'academic' _female_ newbie given a very
courteous,prompt,reply. Metaphorically,they 'held the door open for her'!
Quite often these predominately (youngish?) males cluster around a 'star'
geek and either vie for attention or see these lists as a possible career
Methinks some of these problems are manifest in the teaching
professions *tch*
Just my two cents.
On Saturday 27 July 2002 05:35'ish, Mitch Pirtle ecrit:
> First off, I don't understand why everyone else on the Internet seems to
> get along with simply putting "newbie" in the subject line --- but here
> in linux audio land that's just not acceptable. If a newbie asks a
> question, I suppose that even if he mentions his newbie status that
> he'll get the useless-for-a-newbie answer... Sad.
> It should be plain and simple: if you see "newbie" in the subject,
> please don't just reply with a microsoft answer (correct-but-useless)
> like "Oh, you need the low latency patch" or worse, "you need the LLP".
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