Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] icky low level linux stuff
From: Joseph Zitt (
Date: Sun Jul 28 2002 - 06:09:33 EEST
On Sat, 27 Jul 2002 12:45:16 -0400
Paul Winkler <> wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 27, 2002 at 08:56:02AM -0700, Joseph Zitt wrote:
> > But it is critical to remember, and not to imply, that those who
> > have not yet achieved a certain level of advancement are "dumb".
> I don't think you mean what you just said. :)
> read your statement above carefully...
Note to self: if you're going to lose a word in a sentence, "not" is a
poor choice :-)
> > Curious. The great majority of people I know who use windows haven't
> > any idea what DLLs are.
> I suppose a fair number of them have had the experience of
> increasingly frequent crashes, services that stop working
> unexpectedly, hours on hold with tech support people who prove to have
> no clue what the problem is, and the final frustrating advice to
> reinstall the system from scratch without ever identifying the source
> of the problem.
Actually, a good number of them have not experienced these. They're not
particularly adventurous with their systems, and rarely upgrade things.
They consider the computer to be a tool to get certain tasks done, and
it does it for them.
> > Remember that most people are not system
> > administrators and have no interest in the job, any more than most
> > drivers are auto mechanics.
> Yes, but when your car breaks, you take it to a mechanic and
> they charge you hundreds of dollars to fix it. If you don't
> want to do that, you have to know a lot about cars.
Yes, but cars break relatively rarely. I don't find myself spending
hours each day trying to figure out why my car won't let me turn left
when the radio is on :-)
> If you don't want to pay someone to fix your linux system for you,
> you have to learn how to fix it yourself - with help online of course.
> What more could you expect? A system that never breaks, never
> needs configuring, and anticipates your every desire?
> No such thing.
None exists. But we could be closer.
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