Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Newbie Lurker
From: nancyb (
Date: Mon Jul 29 2002 - 15:48:09 EEST
Thanks for the tip.
It looks as though this is primarily a sequencer with (limited?)
notation support, whereas the stuff I'm familiar with is the opposite
(powerful notation software with rudimentary sequencer). But I'll see if
it helps. Thanks again.
And thanks to Vincent for gracious welcome and tip on e-mail filtering.
By the way, just in case the sexist-help-thing referred to in this list
earlier this week is operative, nancyb is my wife; we just share an
e-mail account. I hope you'll all still consider my posts on their
merits (more likely lack thereof).
Matthew Yee-King wrote:
> - matthew
>> You might want to look at a program called Brahms. I think it does midi
>> notation. I'm not sure of the link though.
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