Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Reverberation
From: Bill Allen (
Date: Mon Jul 29 2002 - 23:27:13 EEST
On Mon, 29 Jul 2002, Malsky, Ken wrote:
> Reverberation is notoriously hard to get right. Does anyone know of any
> Linux software that includes a particularly good large hall sound? The
> examples I've found are on the tinny side and don't allow much control,
> particularly for exposed percussive sounds.
> - Ken Malsky
The reverb that I've been most pleased with is the -ete switch in
ecasound. The only problem that I've had with it (the reverb algorithm -
not ecasound itself) is that it is extremely slow (processing wise), so
with my setup I can't run it in real time with any non-trivial mix.
Fortunately ecasound is optimized for non-real-time mixing jobs.
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