Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Reverberation
From: Paul Winkler (
Date: Mon Jul 29 2002 - 23:43:01 EEST
On Mon, Jul 29, 2002 at 03:54:03PM -0400, Malsky, Ken wrote:
> Reverberation is notoriously hard to get right. Does anyone know of any
> Linux software that includes a particularly good large hall sound? The
> examples I've found are on the tinny side and don't allow much control,
> particularly for exposed percussive sounds.
What have you tried?
I'd suggest either gverb (from Steve Harris' ladspa plugin
set, available at or the freeverb plugin
(from the cmt set, available at
This might be a good start for a large hall in gverb:
roomsize 200
reverb time 1.3
damping 0.4
input bandwidth 0.5
dry signal level 0
early reflection level -12
tail level 0
Or in freeverb (which is a bit bright for my
taste, but you can add a low-pass filter after it):
freeze mode 0
room size 0.85
damping 1
wet level 0.3
dry level 0.7
width 1
--Paul Winkler home: "Muppet Labs, where the future is made - today!"
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