Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] SNR (not audio)
From: Steve Harris (
Date: Tue Jul 30 2002 - 12:19:18 EEST
On Mon, Jul 29, 2002 at 05:49:26 -0400, Andy Wingo wrote:
> GStreamer (in cvs) supports LADSPA 1.1 as distributed in swh's latest
> plugin package, nya-nya! Let's get to work, ladspa host developers.
> Quick effect testing is horrible without these defaults.
FWIW, xmms-ladspa was first, by a week or so.
I've heard from a few people who've implemented it now, but I can't
remeber all of them. Takeup seems quite quick.
Also important is correcting the last few people not using 0db = 1.0f.
I think terminatorX was one of them, but they may have fixed it by now.
- Steve
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