Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Room noise + acoustics (was: SNR (not audio))
From: Samuel S Chessman (
Date: Tue Jul 30 2002 - 19:34:53 EEST
On Tue, 29 Jul 2002, Steve Harris wrote:
> Anyone know anythning about simple+cheap acoustic treatment, or Free room
> modelling software for UNIX? The new studio is 3.94m x 3.53m (almost
> square) and has high ceilings, so I'm concerned about the resonances.
The granddaddy of linux digital room equalization is Andreas Torger's
nwfiir. It's old but useful. See
His current software is BruteFIR,
"a software convolution engine, a program for applying long FIR filters to
multi-channel digital audio, either offline or in realtime.
BruteFIR's main feature is that is fast. It's brutally fast.
The key component making BruteFIR fast is the convolution algorithm."
GPL, ALSA, FFTW, all the hallmarks of quality audio processing.
I didn't see a ladspa interface...
-- Sam Chessman chessman (a) First do what's necessary, then what's possible, finally the impossible.
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