Re: [linux-audio-user] Any MIDI apps that don't suck?

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Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Any MIDI apps that don't suck?
From: Ross Vandegrift (
Date: Mon Dec 02 2002 - 19:46:11 EET

On Sat, Nov 30, 2002 at 03:03:31PM -0500, Silvan wrote:
> Is it just me, or does the available software for this kind of stuff really
> seriously suck?

This is unfortunately what I've found. And that's not a dig on free
music software - even the professional stuff I've used on Windows has
plenty of sucky things about it. So I suggest you take a different
tact, like I did. It won't help you get your holiday music recorded -
this is a "bigger picture" suggestion.

Start a band. Digital recording with ecasound, audacity, or even sox is
a piece of cake. Stop using MIDI - if you're not an electronica artist
or a studio professional, it's way more trouble than it's worth.

Since I started using MIDI less and less, I've started making music more
and more. I've seen it in a number of friends too. It doesn't seem
like coincidence.

Ross Vandegrift

A Pope has a Water Cannon. It is a Water Cannon. He fires Holy-Water from it. It is a Holy-Water Cannon. He Blesses it. It is a Holy Holy-Water Cannon. He Blesses the Hell out of it. It is a Wholly Holy Holy-Water Cannon. He has it pierced. It is a Holey Wholly Holy Holy-Water Cannon. He makes it official. It is a Canon Holey Wholly Holy Holy-Water Cannon. Batman and Robin arrive. He shoots them.

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