Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] [admin] list policy, non-member posting
From: Ian Bell (
Date: Mon Dec 09 2002 - 19:35:51 EET
On Monday 09 Dec 2002 10:28 am, Jörn Nettingsmeier wrote:
> hi everyone !
> lately, the number of posting attempts from non-members has risen to a
> point where i'm just rejecting them without reading each one and checking
> if it's on-topic or has already been sent to the list from another
> account.
I think some of the blame is mine. I try to be consistent in the email
address I use to post to the various groups to which I belong but I don't
always get it right. I got a couple of rejected posts from this group
recently and had to check the headers to see what which of my email addresses
it refered to. I have set up a linux-audio-user identity in kmail so
hopefully I won't make the mstake again. Hope this gets straight thru!
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