Re: [linux-audio-user] Mandrake system

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Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Mandrake system
From: kevin ernste (
Date: Wed Dec 11 2002 - 18:43:53 EET

--- Ron Lavoie <> wrote:
> Will we see a .deb package?

I have already had a volunteer for this, but I am
inclined at least initially to divert you to the
Demudi guys who have a great project also. I have
used it, and it's really nice.

In any case, the long term plan is to eventually offer
a "urpmi" version (using Mandrake's 'apt-get' style
package manager "urpmi", very slick but too new to me
to have been used this time around).

In this case, "urpmi turnkeylinuxaudio" would grab
everything one package at a time and install depends
as necessary. Alternatively, any single package could
be downloaded with "urpmi <package_name>", very much
like the apt-rpm PlanetCCRMA package, which is another
really impressive option out there for users.


> Next, I have to get my EMI 2|6 working...but I'm a
> bit leery of the
> firmware update that's required. Will the card
> still work the same under
> W2k?

Can someone else answer this question for Ron? I am
not a hardware expert by any stretch.


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