Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] A level meter to test
From: Steve Harris (
Date: Thu Jan 09 2003 - 20:37:03 EET
On Thu, Jan 09, 2003 at 10:16:35PM +0400, Guy Clotilde wrote:
> Thanks for the advice. Should I say that jack frightens me? I read l-a-u mailing list since monthes (years maybe) and have tried installing lot of tar.gz. Lots were unsuccesful attemps and some were succesful (ecasound, alsa-driver) but so much _time_ fighting with... dependencies' hell! I'm really looking for standalone apps, not a big thing as jack seems to be, even if it seems really nice. To put an analogy, I find KDE really full-featured, but I prefer small apps (gtk by taste). Don't take it bad, I just wanted a _nice_ vumeter, but I can stay with nrecord as it worked out of the box.
What distriibution do you use, if its RH7 or 8 you can install Planet
CCRMA which takes a lot of the pain out of it.
Either way jack is worth installing.
- Steve
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