Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] ardour/
From: iriXx (
Date: Sun Feb 02 2003 - 23:09:35 EET
i went looking for the quicktoots index google cache and found them here
if you put the titles into google they should turn up - it worked for
the jack toot which i found here:
Yassen Roussev wrote:
> * Frank Barknecht <> [030202 00:25]:
>>I built and installed ardour (again after a long long time) and now I
>>don't know what to do with it...
>>There was an ardour quicktoot, but cannot be reached
>>from here. Is it dead currently? Did anyone mirror the ardour toots?
> the toots have moved to
> but if that is hosted on the same server as boosthardware you might be
> out of luck.
> If that is the case you can use the google cache to look at the toots.
> You just need to know their names. Someone can post these I am sure.
> Also I would recommend you subscribing to at least the ardour-users
> list.
>>(BTW, I'm using and testing the Demudi ardour-snapshot-build-system
>>so far worked like a charm and makes compiling ardour a
> I am sure a lot of people would be interested in hearing a bit more
> about this! How are the snapshots generated?
>>And I cannot get ardour to read its pixmaps from
>>/usr/share/arour/pixmaps, unless I change into that directory. Isn't
>>this set up in $ARDOURRC if I "export
>>ARDOURRC=/etc/ardour/ardour.rc"? ardour.rc contains the pixmap-path
>>set to /usr/share/arour/pixmaps.
> in my /root/.bashrc:
> export ARDOURRC=/root/ardour.rc
> in my /root/ardour.rc
> <Option name="pixmap-path" value="/usr/local/music/src/ardour/pixmaps"/>
> When X starts I starts and fire up a terminal I start another bash to read
> the bashrc file referring to the ardour.rc file. Might work without
> that if you put it in the .bash_profile file, but I remember having some
> problems with that, the terminal not reading it or something.
> Help that helps,
> Yassen
-- iriXx www.iriXx.orgcopyleft: creativity, technology and freedom?
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