Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] is ext3 ok for real-time / low-latency?
From: Mark Knecht (
Date: Sun Feb 16 2003 - 03:07:21 EET
On Sat, 2003-02-15 at 16:46, Jan "Evil Twin" Depner wrote:
> I actually think XFS would be a good solution, however, as Mark Knecht
> said, it doesn't come with kernel I'm using. It may also not be as
> stable as reiserfs, I just don't know. Reiserfs works well for me so
> I'll wait until XFS has been beaten on for a while.
> Jan
I was told by the XFS design team that to use it on 2.4.X you have to
patch. I subscribed to the XFS reflector for a while and found that the
number and type of problems I was hearing about were too scary for me,
so I passed for now.
They tell me that it will be a file system option in 2.5.X, and indeed
it's there in the make sconfig build script, but I have not tried it. No
XFS is supposed to be very good for large files, while reiser is best
for small files. Hence, we could hope that XFS eventually becomes a good
option. Look for 2.7.X or 2.9.X.....
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