Subject: RE: [linux-audio-user] [ANNOUNCE] tapiir-0.7.1
From: Mark Knecht (
Date: Thu Feb 27 2003 - 22:10:54 EET
> On more thing I thought would be useful when you are working with long
> delay lines and feedback loops. A global slider that affects all
> feedback coefficients at the same time. When it is "0" all feedback
> coeffs are "0" (but still show their values in the gui - maybe
> confusing). Whne it is "1" then all coeffs go back to their set values.
> Useful to control feedback in realtime.
I think there are a whole class of apps, like tapiir and freqtweak, that
could benefit from some ideas like this. I'd like to be able to use VCOs and
MIDI events (which I think you've mentioned before) to change settings
either slowly or abruptly. That gets really powerful.
I've been wondering about whether Jack Rack wouldn't be a good place to sort
of consider doing this, with the underlying Jack applications advertising
some sort of capability to play along.
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