Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] HELP: good sound card
From: Bryan Koschmann - GKT (
Date: Thu Apr 03 2003 - 22:40:35 EEST
On Thu, 3 Apr 2003, Frank Barknecht wrote:
|... it has no memory on board (or just a little bit). Instead it uses
|your main memory, i.e. the RAM. This works fine and you might be able
|to use really large soundfonts like the Natural Instruments set.
|But although I have a SBLive, nowadays I just use iiwusynth /
|fluidsynth. The pure software solution has proven to be more flexible
|for my purposes, which include DSP-based destruction of the soundfont
|generated sounds in Pd ;)
Can you tell me wher eto find the "Natural Instruments set"? I would like
to try it out.
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