Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Linux and hardware samplers
From: tim (
Date: Sat Apr 19 2003 - 19:36:12 EEST
> I want to get Linux and a hardware sampler talking to each other more
> effectively. Specifically the following:
well, it looks like no one has any good news for you!
does it do spdif/aesebu backups/restores?
> What about other options? I could get rid of the sampler altogether -
> then to get the same number of outputs I'd need to upgrade my soundcard -
> but anyway, what Linux software is there that could replace a hardware
> sampler while probably retaining a sampler-like way of working?
> Finally, I suppose I could upgrade the hardware sampler. I guess that
> more modern hardware samplers integrate better with PCs in general. But
> are their protocols and file formats any more open and therefore
> potentially more inter-operable with Linux, or are you just as locked in
> by proprietary formats and protocols as before?
i dont spose they're much better, although i did see one with
an ftp server inside :-)
good luck!
-- Tim
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