Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Linux and hardware samplers
From: Tim Orford (
Date: Sun Apr 20 2003 - 20:12:45 EEST
> > > What about other options? I could get rid of the sampler altogether -
> > > then to get the same number of outputs I'd need to upgrade my soundcard -
you cant mix internally?
> So what about ones that require a different way of working? Maybe it's
> time to learn a new way of working!
yeh sampling duties can be performed by all kinds of apps
these days depending on what you want to do exactly. Also, it
seems people have been put off writing a sampler due to US patent
have you tried the soundfont editor/player Swami/Fluidsynth?
Maybe that will help you become less reliant on your hardware,
but i wouldnt sell it just yet! :-)
-- Tim Orford
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