Subject: [linux-audio-user] usb midi midiman 8x8
From: R Parker (
Date: Sat May 10 2003 - 01:03:30 EEST
I've run into problems with my audiophile 2496 where
the mpu401 hardware design doesn't support TX
interupts so when spinlocks occur it causes complete
system lockup. Power reset required.
My primary midi concern is i/o for mmc and mtc.
1. I've got a midiman usb 8x8, has anyone gotten this
to work with the firmware from the Linux Hotplug? I
think this work was done by Clemens Ladisch.
2. If I can get the 8x8 working, this would eliminate
the need for an audiocard that has midi i/o. Right?
3. Is anyone using active usb extension cables? We've
gotta run about 50 ft. Anyone see a problem with that?
Well, question 2 seems obvious but better to be safe.
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