Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Mastering; Rezound, fir filter, digital clipping
From: Oyvind Hammer (
Date: Sat Jun 14 2003 - 11:02:14 EEST
OK then, just a last word on this (off-topic!)
CD thread to sum up. For the record, I haven't really
got a clue what I'm talking about either, but
did also read my Pohlmann all those years ago :-)
1. As Ross said, Even in the audio CD format, there
is enough error correction built in to basically avoid
bit errors in the reading of the disk. To make this
system break down, you need really large damage,
like putting a piece of black tape across the
disk. Does happen, but not often. The player
will then fudge sound by interpolation.
2. But there seems to be a quite different problem
here, as Jesse said, which basically is a silly
incompatibility thing between audio and data CD
formats, and clock sync problems. It's really
crazy that this is a problem at all (I smell a
music industry conspiracy), but seems to be better
in CDR drives made these days.
3. So, in other words, I think I disagree with
Mark - the problem, if any, *will* be solved by
recording digitally from an audio CD player with
digital out. Just be sure to get the word clock
settings right to avoid bit sync problems.
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