Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Audigy 2 and DSP24
From: Khadiyd Idris (
Date: Thu Jun 19 2003 - 14:06:57 EEST
I see on creative website,
Audigy 2 Platinum can record at 24bit/96K
But it's the platinum version...
But according to Len,
all SB card resampled...
Stephen Hassard wrote:
> I'm not in front of my linux box with my audigy2, but from what I
remember taking a look at Alsa's info about the card it looks to only
support 16bit 48khz max. I might be wrong tho. If anyone has any
suggested way to verify this I'd be happy to try.
> later,
> Steve
> On Wed, Jun 18, 2003 at 06:10:55PM +0700, Khadiyd Idris wrote:
>>Hash: SHA1
>>Thanks for info,
>>Can I record at least at 24bit/92 using Audigy2?
>>Stephen Hassard wrote:
>>| Audigy2 has faily decent all around linux support with Alsa, although
>>I don't think you'll get at 24bit x 192khz i/o. It'll basically act as a
>>Live! w/ really nice DACs :P
>>| later,
>>| Steve
>>| On Tue, Jun 17, 2003 at 03:10:36PM +0700, Khadiyd Idris wrote:
>>|>Hash: SHA1
>>|>I'm looking for inexpensive soundcard but with high quality... for
>>|>recording dan monitoring
>>|>I found two candidates:
>>|>- - Soundtrack DSP24 (seems hard to find it in local store)
>>|>- - SB Audigy 2
>>|>Can some1 share experience on these two soundcard in linux...
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