Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Noise removal, what filter is best?
From: luis jure (
Date: Tue Aug 26 2003 - 07:29:13 EEST
el Mon, 25 Aug 2003 23:56:36 +0100
Tim Beauregard <> escribió:
> Lee Azzarello wrote:
> | Audacity has an excellent noise removal
> | plugin.
> I've got Audacity 1.1.3 at the moment. Are you talking about the FFT
> filter? Would you be able to describe how to use it? Hit and miss?
i can't remember if it was already present in 1.1.3, but in 1.2.0 there's a
noise removal plugin (not the fft filter plugin). it works like many other
similar plugins: first you select a portion of your file where there's only
noise, no signal, then the program designs an fft filter based on that
noise. that filter is later used it to remove that noise from all the file
or whatever part of it you select. i used to use a similar plugin in
windows, this one is simpler but seems to work in it's way. the principle is
simple enough. i _think_ snd has a similar function, but you won't find it
in any menu, you'll have to type some command in the listener (never leaned
to properly use snd myself...).
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