Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Latency question (was: Delta 1010LT Preamp Gain)
From: Greg Reddin (
Date: Tue Sep 23 2003 - 20:48:41 EEST
--- Steve Harris <> wrote:
> The latency is probably higher than freqtweak though. If you reduce
> the
> limiter release time to its minimum it will be 5.3ms @ 48kHz.
> - Steve
So it sounds like this is a fixed latency -- meaning that Jamin is
doing some buffering of its own on top of Jack. Is that the case in
most apps of this nature like Freqtweak? Is it just not possible to
do this kind of processing without additional buffering?
I'm sure a closer look at the code will answer some of these
questions, but I was just wondering.
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