Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] easy sampler
From: Emiliano Grilli (
Date: Wed Sep 24 2003 - 23:24:51 EEST
mercoledì, 24 settembre 2003 alle 20:40:33, Frank Barknecht ha scritto:
> Ah, okay. You might want to take a look at Pd then, which is a modular
> synth and more. Doing such a sample-player in Pd is really easy. If
> you need help, I could just build a Pd patch that does this very
> quickly. The help file for the readsf~ object would be a good start.
> The good thing, is that with Pd (or jMax or SSM) you can build very
> personalized samplers and other things *without* knowing C++
Frank, as you already know I'm really interested in pd, but I find myself
really sluggish: I can't grasp it at all but I heard of an upcoming book
from its author, do you have any news in that respect?
I have a distinct perception of the power of pd, and I will surely buy that
book when it comes out (old paper is still more "friendly" to me).
For now I am limited to the "pure documentation" examples (which are very
interesting), but I would like to do my own "patches" with a little of
awareness. For example, what can I do with MIDI in pd (I don't mean
controlling pd from a sequencer, but using pd to generate MIDI events)?
-- .-----------------------. | Emiliano Grilli | | Linux user #209089 | | | '-----------------------'
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