Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Re Digital Audio Out on kernel 2.6
From: Rick Taylor (
Date: Wed Oct 08 2003 - 13:03:22 EEST
Q <> wrote:
>But 'piping sound out via any other audio capable cable' isn't really
>the answer I was hoping for. SPDIF passthrough - and digital sound in
>general - to an external dolby digital amplifier is a whole different
>kettle of fish than that, as it involves a considerable amount of post
>processing power on behalf of the digital amplifier. There is no true
>5.1 (or indeed 7.1) audio playback - and subsequent channel
>seperation/decoding without some direct form of digital link. Without
Firewire and USB are pretty digital. Firewire can cart about huge
amounts of information accurately and precisely. {DVD sound, video,
etc...} Both of them are capable of network connections.
>this all you get is a kind of dumb (literally) analoge reproduction of
>whatever the soundcard throws at it. There is no 'intelligent'
Straight network cables can manage to convey information fairly accurately.
It seems to me that your "digital" connect is only a conduit for information
that's encoded and decoded at either end. I'd think the "intelligence" to
be an attribute attributable to the server and client.
>processing at all.
Your external amp *is* doing the processing.
>But it does make me wonder... If Redhat could do it, then surely there
I'm quite sure it's possible.
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