Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Re: prebuilt tools (long!)
From: Tim Orford (
Date: Fri Oct 10 2003 - 14:48:44 EEST
> Most of the major cg companies in London are now using linux in day to day
> production. It's the main desktop OS for everybody except office staff.
> This said, a lot (if not all) of the users (animators/modellers/r&d
> programmers etc) come from a unix (SGI) background and arent scared of the odd
> commandline task. :)
> dave
i'm not in that area myself but am quite interested. I wonder if
you could comment on the answer below from a softimage friend of
[....] IT's true that there is a lot of Linus use in the CG companies in
Soho, but it's definately not all or even most. at best I would say it's
50/50 and a lot of those linux boxes are in render farm (the mill for
instance has a very heavy linux pipeline, but most of the desktops
stations are 2k I believe)
to whoever said this...
Whilst *many& of the magor CG apps run on Linux, *many* of them don't.
*all* of them run on 2K. So whilst a lot of people would prefer to use
it, that doesn't mean that they can.
-- Tim Orford
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