Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] License free Linux ??
From: Jan Depner (
Date: Fri Dec 05 2003 - 00:00:33 EET
This is a bit shady but, as long as the guy is giving out the source
code with attached GPL/LGPL licensing verbiage, it's legal. If he's not
giving out source code he is in violation of the license/copyright. I'm
sure that EBay, if notified, will take him off if he's violating
copyright. They don't want to be anywhere near a copyright infringement
On Thu, 2003-12-04 at 16:08, Dave Phillips wrote:
> Brian Redfern wrote:
> >I don't know, if you're selling people audacity on cdrom, as long as you
> >include the source I wouldn't think its illegal, I don't know why anyone
> >would buy it on cd, but notice that he didn't get any bids, and now that
> >its relisted, there's still no bids.
> >
> >
> I checked this out too, and it is disturbing. It's also, as Patrick
> suggested, an example of a likely scenario in the near future as Linux
> audio apps become increasingly sophiticated and usable under more
> professional conditions. It's true that there's little that can be done
> to avoid this scenario, but I believe that community opprobrium (i.e.
> verbal torches and pitchforks) can do some good in such a case. Alas,
> eBay doesn't make it easy for a non-member to add a comment to a sale item.
> I'm thinking some not very nice thoughts about Luminousity right now...
> Best,
> == dp
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