Subject: [linux-audio-user] rme9632 status?
From: WR (
Date: Sun Dec 21 2003 - 12:37:44 EET
Spent the last few hours reading threads about hdsp firmware and issues,
and I'm wondering where things are currently at (development seems to
happen pretty rapidly around here!)...just installed a 9632 rev3, with
alsa-driver 1.0.0-rc2, and have some way to go, I reckon...
lspci shows:
00:09.0 Multimedia audio controller: Xilinx Corporation RME Digi9652
(Hammerfall) (rev 03)
RME Hammerfall-DSP: no cards found
# uname -a
Linux 2.4.22-ck2 #1 SMP Sun Dec 21 00:23:34 PST 2003 i686 AMD Athlon(tm)
MP Processor 1900+ AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux
What are the currently recommended kernel/alsa/firmware/eprom versions? appears to recommend using the hdsp driver instead of
rme9652 on the 9632 -- is there any reason to use one or the other? Or am
I reading it wrong...
Thanks for any advice!!
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