Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Synchronization
From: Geoff Beasley (
Date: Sat Jun 05 2004 - 00:42:57 EEST
>The real good news is that the feature freeze and push
>for 1.0 will cause these interfaces to be worked on.
>I'm getting pretty excited about it because I think
>it's going to happen soon. :)
Oh Please Please Please Please Please etc.etc.etc ...... drool, slobber, dribble, tremble, dream, pray etc.etc.etc..... ahhhhhh; will I wake up and find it was all a dream ? The minute my Linux boxes can communicate with the real world reliably via MTC / SMPTE I'm in full time!!! Just wish I could get the whole CVS thing,love to try beta 15 but alas just not geeky enough.
till later,
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