Subject: RE: [linux-audio-user] AIFF files batch-slicing
Date: Sat Jul 03 2004 - 14:44:10 EEST
On 03-Jul-2004 Christian Frisson wrote:
} Hi,
} I need to automate a process for slicing audio files in AIFF format on
} multiple
} files everytime perfect silences are met (zero-amplitude). This should be
} multiplatform (Linux/Mac/Win) and minimal (no GUI, only command-lines: one
} should just have to launch the script / program). The handling of standard
} commands like changing and listing directories, moving or renaming files...
} is
} requested.
} I've thought of Octave or Scilab but I couldn't find their Mac version and
} the
} AIFF file-handling wasn't that great. Alternatively, I could write a shell
} script, but I think I'd still need a piece of software to understand the
} audio
} files and determine whether it's silent or not. Sox? At last, I could write
} my
} own C software, bearing in mind it may need customizing along the OS where
} it is
} compiled...
} Any idea?
Regions... I'm pretty sure that each platform has a program that's capable.
Most audio editors have some sort of function.
If you search around I know there's several programs that will do
this from the command line {or have little enough gui so that you could easily
run them from a script}. I don't know if they're crossplatform or not. It
looks like most of it's commercial anyway.
Snd has several functions that will do what you want and it's crossplatform.
...Maybe it's overkill though?
E-Mail: RickTaylor_AT_Speakeasy.Net
Date: 03-Jul-2004
Time: 06:00:18
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