Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Muse Score compiled from source has corrupt score fonts
From: Erik Steffl (
Date: Wed Oct 27 2004 - 09:14:58 EEST
Ivica Ico Bukvic wrote:
> Hi all,
> The title says it all, I guess. The application Muse Score looks incredibly
> promising yet I fail to understand why are the fonts looking all corrupt
> (most of them being blocky squares, straight vertical lines or simply
> non-existent).
> No errors were reported during install, no configure problems, the app
> starts cleanly (there is a warning regarding inability to figure out locale
> but other than that no errors).
it's possible that broken/unknown locale is what screws up the fonts.
I'd try to use different locale (something like C or en_us).
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