Re: [linux-audio-user] LAU and political discussion: sayonara !

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Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] LAU and political discussion: sayonara !
From: Rick Taylor (
Date: Wed Dec 15 2004 - 08:14:20 EET

> Well, if you're looking for a music technology oriented list specifically
> for off-topic stuff (including politics to a certain degree, although not
> too much) has "The Music Bar":

My opinion? ...Off topic stuff makes mailing lists entertaining enough to
read... So long as there's not a lot of it and so long as it stays
constrained to single thread. :} It's sort of essential to a *healthy*
community dynamic and helps to give things a sense of context. Restrictions
on it can be just as damaging as censorship is anywhere else.

Apparently it helps you understand just who you're talking to as well.

> </plug>

Think there's ever been a post that wasn't?

> ~Dave


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