Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Linux audio video 0.1 alpha 1
From: Christoph Eckert (
Date: Fri Dec 17 2004 - 21:20:19 EET
> Seeing as the "audio tutorial" worked so well... and MP3
> crunches stuff so small... maybe it would be nice to
> distribute tutorials that folk could simply open in the
> program the tutorial's intended for?
Well, fr this first one it would be possible, but there will
hopefully successors which will make video a great thing.
> There's a tutorial system out there somewhere for Windows.
> Basically, it runs a script that opens demo files and moves
> the mouse around performing the actions explained in the
> tutorial...
I think this is an bad idea. First, it needs to ensure that
the user has all needed apps already installed. Secondly, I
intend the videos to show also non-linux-users what we
already can do on linux to increase their interest.
Best regards
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