micromoog <micromoog@email-addr-hidden> writes:
> I'm considering buying an AMD64 computer. Does anyone have any
> comments on using Linux audio apps on the AMD64? I would want to use
> JACK, MusE, ams, and lots more.
Very nice machine.
If you have less than 3GB of real memory, you might as well run it in
32-bit mode (i386). There should be no problems.
64-bit mode (x86_64) should work for most things. I haven't tried it
myself, but you will probably see a few problems here and there.
JACK supports both i386 and x86_64, but not connecting both 32 and
64-bit clients in a single server session. That won't happen any time
soon. You might need a recent CVS version for x86_64, to pick up a
bug fix for some bogus compiler optimization options.
-- joqReceived on Mon Mar 21 20:15:10 2005
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