On Mon, Mar 21, 2005 at 11:46:58 -0600, Jack O'Quin wrote:
> micromoog <micromoog@email-addr-hidden> writes:
> > I'm considering buying an AMD64 computer. Does anyone have any
> > comments on using Linux audio apps on the AMD64? I would want to use
> > JACK, MusE, ams, and lots more.
> Very nice machine.
> If you have less than 3GB of real memory, you might as well run it in
> 32-bit mode (i386). There should be no problems.
Do you have any experience of AMD64 in 32bit mode? Do you still get all
the instruction set goodness? I've been considering one of these when I
get round to upgrading my studio machine, and clearly 32bit mode will be
less memory bound, so faster in general, but I'm not sure if you loose any
of the other benefits.
- Steve
Received on Tue Mar 22 16:15:05 2005
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