Re: [linux-audio-user] OT Spam

From: Mark Constable <markc@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Mar 30 2005 - 08:50:53 EEST

On Wednesday 30 March 2005 14:52, Hans Fugal wrote:
> I used to be careful and care about where my email address went and
> worry about spam. Then I realized that gee whiz I'm spending more effort
> trying to avoid spam then I would be just dealing with it. I discovered
> Paul Graham's "A Plan for Spam" essay and ESR's wonderful bogofilter
> program. I have flung my email address around shamelessly for over two
> years now, and I currently have only one or two "unsure" messages that
> are really spam to deal with per day. The rest go to a spam file that I
> mostly ignore but go dig in when I don't get that email from ebay that
> ...

Seeing Hans officially changed this thread to off-topic I'll
jump in and say I also use bogofilter with the same positive
results... once trained (took a month I guess) I now get ~zero
spam in my Inbox, ~2 per day in my unsure folder and 20 to 30
spams in my Trash, which automatically get purged after 3 days.

It works so well I'd like to write a song about it ! :-)

Hmm, an edgy zztop'd "Spam Boogie"... oh sheesh, maybe I should
sign off this list for awhile!

BTW this is an excellent indie blues orientated podcast... (the RSS feed link)

Received on Wed Mar 30 12:15:05 2005

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