On 5/26/05, Shayne O'Connor <forums@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Noah Roberts wrote:
> >>>I dunno if this'll work for your purposes, but what I'd do is create the
> >>>proper tempo map in ardour, create a beat in hydrogen of the right tempo
> >>>for the section, export it as a .wav and import it into ardour - that's how
> >>>i do all my hydrogen stuff with ardour
> >>
> >>but this way you can't simply change things as you like in realtime, i don't
> >>like this. sync out/in has to work so that both programs can be used in
> >>realtime rather making wave files each time which is ok if you are doing your
> >>final mixdown.
> >>
> >>
> >
> > How are you going to anyway? Hydrogen kind of wigs out when you start
> > altering the tempo during play. Doing it in ardour would probably be
> > too slow; then again it might actually work if you did it far enough
> > ahead...I don't know. Usually though you have some idea what the
> > tempo is before you record. When would you use 'realtime' tempo
> > changing and how would it work?
> >
> what joachim's saying is true - if i'm reading what he means correctly.
> noah - i think he means that syncing between, say, ardour/jack/hydrogen
> should enable dynamic (?) tempos - that is, if you set a change in tempo
> in the ardour tempo strip at the 12th bar from 80 > 90 bpm, then
> hydrogen should folow that tempo change accordingly ... i'm not sure if
> this is what the current setup is supposed to do but just can't manage,
> or if it's a feature that isn't possible yet with jack ...
That is exactly what I did. I set the start tempo marker for 50 and
put one on bar 6 at 90, turned on jack transport, set up the record
buttons, and hit play in hydrogen. Ardour starts to record and when
the 6th bar comes it goes to 90bpm. The click misses a beat on the
change, that was all I noticed. Is this what you are trying to do?
Received on Fri May 27 12:15:07 2005
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