On Monday 23 May 2005 09:57, Rui Nuno Capela wrote:
> I have SuSE 9.3 here on my P4/HT desktop box, which is running
> tagged kernel. The way to go is installing kernel-source
> package and apply the realtime-lsm patch to the kernel source tree. The
> patch is here:
> http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/akpm/patches/2.6/2.6.12-rc4/2
Thanks for your answer (and sorry took so long to respond).
Can you just clarify that I should install the SuSE kernel source package
matching my default kernel, ( and patch it using the
rt-lsm patch from 2.6.12-rc4-mm2, or did you mean to install the vanilla
2.6.12 source and apply the patch to that.
Sorry, I'm a bit dense when it comes to kernel building. I managed to make a
working one a couple of years ago, but just "to see if I could" rather than
to get some special functionality.
-- David HaggettReceived on Fri May 27 12:15:08 2005
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