[linux-audio-user] [LAM] A piece with singing...

From: James Stone <jmstone@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Jul 28 2005 - 23:36:01 EEST

Uh oh.. I think this could be quite embarrassing! A piece I recorded
today, with me singing (slightly off-key at times, I notice now). The
production is awful: the singing was recorded thru an ultra-cheap computer
microphone, the organ improvisation is terrible (by me) etc. etc.

Still, the software was very cool: Seq24 to sequence the piano
(Trachtman's non-free ($5) Steinway soundfont),running in qsynth.. all
recorded into Ardour. The hammond organ was from the FluidR3 soundfont,
and played live (like you would never have guessed!).

Also no mastering but I am not sure it is worth it when the quality
is so bad to start with.

Anyway, I would be interested to know what others think....


Received on Fri Jul 29 00:15:15 2005

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