Re: [linux-audio-user] Linux-Music and making a living...

From: studio-64 <fsmith@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Sep 11 2005 - 00:45:13 EEST



You saved me writting this email many thanks.
Just wait untill the first major band becomes a major band with more
sales than mainstream, and the bubble will burst.

people will be flocking the the Opensource/C-commons setup.

Just like the buisiness was in the 70's (many smaller labels all competing)


> How about specifics? There's a system out there, that says, get signed
> by a major record label, and you get rich. How about an Open Source
> plan, one with clear steps to follow?
> Sell 20,000 CDs and get 50% of the USD$10 price/CD, and we're earning
> USD$100,000 a year, just from CD sales. But, how do we do that?
> Specifically!?
> First step: Our mindset has to be just right. Think of all the
> singer/songwriter/musician types in the world that have no idea how to
> turn on a computer, let alone record their own stuff on their own
> recording studio that cost them peanuts, even free, if they're broke,
> like me. I have one. Realize that we list members are miles ahead of
> the game, and get going.
> Next step: We can't sell those 20,000 CDs, if we don't offer them to
> listeners. Get our online store running now. If we have no money, then
> use an online store that will front all the costs up front. They'll
> package our CD song file(s), print our CD covers, inserts, and put it in
> a case, send it out, provide the merchant account so people can pay with
> credit card online, and we spend nothing out-of-pocket.
> is a good starting point. Look around, and get your
> music packaged for purchase.
> Who buys one song on a CD, and a work in progress at that? Our mothers,
> for one. She'll also be buying a shirt, hat, mug, and all the other
> standard gear. Oh, and she'll buy a lot of the personalized postage
> stamps. . . did you know you can sell your personal postage stamps?
> Next step: Follow the licensing that Tim and Russell and Cesare talk
> about. It sits on top of your copyright, specifically to open up extra
> protection on the Internet, and make our dreams come true.
> Once all that's done, it's done. From then on, just a matter of
> updating, improving, and marketing/communicating. Twenty years from
> now, we're doing whatever we're doing, and the steps taken are still
> brand new and interesting to future listeners. In other words, our
> music CDs are for purchase by listeners, just as they were twenty years
> ago.
> Ten Mile Tide band put some of their songs on the P2P circuit, and six
> months later, all members of the band were able to quit their day jobs.
> It didn't happen, until they acted. They didn't wait for the perfect
> song, they just did it. It works. If you need a cheerleader, help
> getting your store, internet strategy up and running, let us know. All
> our services are free.
> Tom

Received on Sun Sep 11 04:15:04 2005

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