On 1/12/06, M P Smoak <smoak@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> You mean to say that to play back a midi filed with pause, back
> up or forward, I need to use a sequencer?
> You're saying that there is no midi player in linux that allows
> the simple controls of a tape player?
> I'm running rh9/planet ccrma, I can't find a player there. I
> figured that's because I'm a slowhead. Is there none?
> Is there a midi file player for the 2.6 kernal, fc?? kernel?
> If there's nothing, I'm starting to think linux is real weak
> on midi playback.
> By the way, could you comment on my recent question on tuning
> a midi keyboard?
- Mark
Received on Fri Jan 13 08:15:05 2006
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