[linux-audio-user] gate from swh-plugins

From: Mikhail Ramendik <mr@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon Feb 06 2006 - 02:25:12 EET


I am now using the Gate plugin from swh-plugins as a noise gate. Thanks, Sampo

However, there is one thing I don't understand in its behaviour, and I'd like
to chnge that of possible. When immediately after a useful (and loud) sound a
noise period (below the threshold) starts, the noise is heard for an audible
fraction of a second before the gate closes.I have lowered Delay and Hold,
but this does not seem to help. Is there a way to make it destroy such noise
"tails" after sounds?

Yours, Mikhail Ramendik
Received on Mon Feb 6 04:15:06 2006

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