[linux-audio-user] Jack + kernel problem (client_thread zombified)

From: Julien Claassen <julien@email-addr-hidden-lab.de>
Date: Mon Feb 13 2006 - 10:48:18 EET

  I have a small jack problem with kernels 2.6.13/2.6.15 (it works with alright).
  I compiled first the kernel and then jack 0.100.9 (also tried earlier
0.100.1). When I start jack everythings ok, but then after a while, mplayer
will stop and say: Jack: client_thread zombified. Can anyone imagine what this
is all about?
  Oh yes one last note: I used the mm-patches for 2.6.13 and the exact kernel
version of the other kernel was (I only mention this, because I first
tried to patch the kernel, and it told me that a few files semmed already
patched. So I did it without mm).
  Can anyone help me, suggest a solution, something to test, to clarify this
  Kindest regards

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Received on Mon Feb 13 12:15:05 2006

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