Steve D wrote:
>On Mon, Feb 13, 2006 at 11:32:42AM -0800, R Parker wrote:
>>Punchins aren't illegal and anyone can engineer for
>>you in a non-destructive DAW like Ardour. If you don't
>>tell anyone about the punchin then you can move on to
>>composing and producing another song which makes
>>everybody happy. :)
>--- ---
>I guess my (irrational) fear is that a punchin/punchout will somehow be
>obvious to the listener--that either there will be an abrupt momentary
>change in ambience, an abrupt cutting off of pre-punchin sound as the
>punchin occurs, or I'll be in a slightly different mood and the volume
>or performance won't match, etc. I have been able (I think) to hear
>punchins in old analog tape recordings, of Van Cliburn playing the
>Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninov piano concertos, of an obscure (but good)
>eastern European orchestra playing Stravinsky's Firebird (there were
>*lots* of punchins, some of them very obvious and awkward, in that
>recording), and so my listening experience has made me wary of punchins.
>But, like I mentioned, I'm sure it is an irrational fear. ;-)
>During this recording (for Arabesque 1), I made a strong note to myself
>after recording take after take (dozens of them) to learn about and
>begin to try punchin techniques. I'm especially interested to learn
>whether Ardour automatically creates (or can be configured to do so)
>brief overlapping fadeouts/fadeins at punch points. I'm sure that this
>information is in the (as yet not fully read) Ardour online manual. ;-)
>In fact, I think I'll check that out right now--
There's another, way better, method. Just route your keyboard output to
a midi sequencer (muse or rosegarden) and then to the sampler.
In this way you can do punch-ins in midi, delete notes seamlessly merge
two or more performances and more.
-- www.cesaremarilungo.comReceived on Tue Feb 14 00:15:08 2006
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