On Fri, 2006-03-03 at 13:18 -0500, Lee Revell wrote:
> > So, instead of interpreting them to users the software should say: "learn C
> > headers and read errno.h?". Gah.
> >
> > Good software tells the users what's really wrong and directs the user in
> > how to fix the issue. This leads to happier users and less repeated "why
> > doesn't this work" questions on mailing lists, irc, personal email, etc.
> We don't KNOW what's wrong beyond "not enough bandwidth".
"Problems with jackd using your soundcard. Specifically 'Not enough
bandwidth'. If you are using an USB soundcard, this probably means that
you are running the soundcard with either a wrong buffer size or a wrong
amount of periods. Try running jackd with -r 3"
We don't? I think we do know more. :)
-- Sampo Savolainen <v2@email-addr-hidden>Received on Sat Mar 4 00:15:10 2006
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