> Why exactly do we need two apps to do the same thing?
the old question I was wondering about more than one times. Why Kat as
there is Beagle? Why KDE as there is Gnome? Why ALSA as there's OSS?
Why Gentoo as there's Debian? Why Linux as there's Wintoys ;-) ?
> Please, don't start a new project just because the existing one is
> missign some features you want, why not simply contribute to the
> original project?
* You think you can do it better; it's called evolution :)
* You dislike the used toolkit/technology/etc.
* You dislike the GUI
* You do it just for your personal satisfaction and give it away as free
software because you don't want to make a business from it
* ...
Best regards
Received on Sat Mar 11 16:15:06 2006
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