On Tue, 16 May 2006 17:06:44 -0700
Robert Persson <ireneshusband@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> How can I force a midi cleanup?
> The situation I have right at the moment is that the connection graph in
> qjackctl is showing midi ports for rosegarden, even though there is no
> rosegarden running (I have double-checked using "ps -A | grep rose").
> I have tried a whole lot of things, including rmmodding a whole raft of
> midi-related modules, but I haven't been able to find a way to clean up my
> midi graph short of rebooting (which I am about to do).
> What should I have done?
possibly stupid question here, but just in case, since you didn't mention it: did you try hitting the "refresh" button in the qjackctl midi connections window? i've occasionally had ports still showing there from terminated programs -- not often at all, but it has happened.
Received on Wed May 17 04:15:21 2006
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