On Thu, 2006-05-18 at 19:01 +1000, Loki Davison wrote:
> umm... bullshit?
> Look at the layla for example. Or rme's offerings. The pci card
> doesn't do anything to do with analog signals. The ad/da's are in the
> external box, and it's just digital signals going to the pci card,
> same as with a firewire solution, only you don't have to deal with
> dodgy firewire controllers on the motherboard, etc. Look at rme's pro
> cards, eg the amazingly expensive madi cards, they are pci too. I find
> you're reply quite insultingly toned btw,
Also AFAICT firewire will never be capable of latency as low as a good
PCI device.
Received on Thu May 18 16:15:06 2006
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